The Vermont Agency of Education is requiring all career and technical education centers to perform career-readiness testing of students who are enrolled in our two-year programs, utilizing the following three ACT WorkKeys assessments:

  • Applied Math
  • Workplace Document
  • Graphic Literacy

Students can earn a National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) depending on their performance on these three assessments. In addition, the Community College of Vermont (CCV) awards two college credits to students who earn a minimum score of 5 across all three assessments and are enrolled in CCV. Please visit the following website for more information on the assessment and the NCRC:

We strongly believe in the merit of these assessments and the benefit to our students and RVTC. The results help us determine the strength of our instruction and how well we can prepare your/our students for the world beyond high school. Students (and parents/guardians) receive feedback on score reports about their knowledge, skills, and overall readiness for post-secondary career success. Their NCRC can be highlighted on college applications, their resume, and job applications. If students choose to, they can upload their results to a national database used by employers nationwide to look for new talent in their organization.

Our goal for all students is to earn a Level 5 score or higher on the three assessments. Students who score at Level 5 or higher on any WorkKeys assessments do not need to retake that assessment. However, if a student who scored a 5 wants to retake that assessment to earn a platinum level (6 or 7) certificate, they are welcome to do so.

During the 2024-2025 school year, all first-year students (excluding PreTechnical Studies) will be tested during their program time and again this spring. Each assessment takes about 55 minutes and is entirely online. For students with support plans, we are working with our Special Populations Coordinator to ensure we provide identified accommodations for each student.

Slideshow for Students and Parents

ACT WorkKeys
