River Valley Technical Center
"Educating Today's Students for Tomorrow's Careers"
Student Forms
Your instructor may have copies of these forms. See the building secretary if you need a copy, or download and print your own form.
RVTC Student Handbook

Permission to Drive or Ride
- Express written permission is required for any student wishing to:
- • Drive a personal vehicle to and from school
- • Drive a vehicle with another student as a passenger*

Planned Absence Notice
- Complete the following and submit it to your classroom instructor prior to your planned absence.
- Date, Name, Program, Date(s) you will be absent, Reason for absence.
- Please provide a copy to Mrs. Austin-Ward for attendance purposes in the front office at RVTC. Or email Mrs. Austin-Ward gaustin-ward@rvtc.org

Visitor Registration
- In order for a visitor to attend the River Valley Technical Center, this form must be completed at least one day in advance of the visit. The host student’s instructor(s) and an administrator must sign to indicate approval for the visit.
Supporting Students

Contact us!
(802) 885-8300
Scott Farr
Derek Williams
Asstant Director of Technical & Adult Education
Tina Bixby
Administrative Assistant / HR Coordinator
Gretchen Austin-Ward
Building Secretary
Coralee Choiniere
Scott Farr
Derek Williams
Asstant Director of Technical & Adult Education
Tina Bixby
Administrative Assistant / HR Coordinator
Gretchen Austin-Ward
Building Secretary
Coralee Choiniere